Practical Parasitology

Parasites require different cultivation Practice such as nutrients, temperature and even incubation conditions. Cultivation is an important method for diagnosis of many clinically parasites. eg:Entamoeba  histolytica, Trichomonas vaginalis, Leishmania spp., Strongyloides stercoralis and free-living amoebae.

The parasitic infections, culture are not a routine identification technique. Useful for clinching the diagnosis in some protozoan parasitic infections, e.g. in case of Central Nervous System infections by frees living amoebae.

Parasite cultivation can be used to study the biochemistry, physiology, and metabolism of the parasites. Determine their nutritional requirements, and for understanding their ultra-structural organization, life-cycle and host-parasite relationship, cell-mediated protective systems against the parasites.

Cultivating parasites helps in differentiating clinical isolates. The techniques are iso-enzyme electrophoresis, monoclonal antibody techniques, and DNA probe techniques can be easily applied on cultures.

  • Process of Faeces for parasites
  • Quantification techniques for Faecal Parasites
  • Culture techniques for parasites
  • Process of blood and other body fluids
  • Pseudo parasites and Artifacts

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