Hoda Saady Mohamadain
South Valley University, Egypt
Hoda saady mohamadin is an Associate Professor of Parasitology, South valley University, Egypt. Dr Saady received her doctorate in Parasitoogy from Egyptian University. Her recent publications includes:
1- Light and scanning electron microscopy on Serrasentis sagittifer, Linton, 1889 (Acanthocephal:Palaeacanthcephala : Rhadinorhynchidae ) infecting the common sea Bream in Egypt. J. Egypt. Soc. Parasitol 45 (1).21-26
2- Pelopscreadium aegyptense n. gen., n. sp. and Pelopscreadium spongiosum (Bray & Cribb, 1998) n. comb., (Digenea: Lepocreadiidae), each from disjunct populations of the Yellow boxfish, Ostracion cubicus Linnaeus (Ostraciidae). Zootaxa 4127 (3): 567–578.
Her research focuses of helminth parasitic in vertebrates in Egypt and the work focuses on two trends:-
1- Diversity and taxonomic studies of helminth parasites
2- Host parasite relationship.