Biography: Sergii Mytrofanov
Statement of the Problem:According to the classification of types of thermogenesis (Prat H., 1954), fleas are inherent in a complex RT-type paroxysm that is formed out of a calm (base) R-type thermogenesis with intermittent spikes of (active) T-thermo emission. Microcalorimetry allows us to study the influence of environmental temperature on the dynamics of metabolism of insects.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation:
A differential conductive microcalorimeter with a heat coupling of intermediate type designed in Shevchenko National University of Kiev was used to carry out the series of experiments. Input sensitivity was set to 0.5 mW/mm of scale, time resolution – 30 seconds.
The studies were conducted on groups of 10 imago X. Cheopis, in an insulated 2 cubic centimeter capsule during 2-3 days at 8 to 30 degrees centigrade.
Findings and Conclusions:
The analysis of experimental results shows that the average strength of thermo emission increases as mW/g. The specific strength of active thermo emission of fleas is an average of 24% of the level of mail thermogenesis at 8 to 10 degrees centigrade, and 84% at 25 to 30 degrees centigrade accordingly. A growth of the level of a heat produced by fleas with rising environmental temperature indicates an increase in their motor activity and maintaining the viability.