Maryam Niyyati
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae isolated from mucosal tissue of immunosuppressed patients in Iran
Biography: Maryam Niyyati
Colonization of potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae in high risk people, including immunosuppressed patients could be a threat for developing fatal Acanthamoeba Granulomatose Encephalitis (AGE). The main aim of the present research was to determine the presence of potentially pathogenic free-living amoebae in mucosal tissue of immunosuppressed patients using morphological criteria in Tehran, Iran. Overall, 133oral cavity samples were collected from immunosuppressed patients. Each sample was cultured on the Non-Nutrient Agar (NNA) with a layer of heat killed Escherishia coli. Positive plates were submitted to cloning for elimination of bacteria and fungi contamination. Purified plates were then examined for the presence of free living amoebae using page key. Of the 133 samples, 47 were positive for free living amoebae. All of 36 samples were cloned successfully. Interestingly, 35 plates contained Acanthamoeba spp. With flat shape trophozoites and double walled cyst with star shape endocysts. Five plates contained round small cysts with wormy shape trophozoites which attributed to Hartmannella and 6 plates contained giant amoeba called Thecamoebae. The presence of potentially pathogenic free living amoebae in mucosal tissue of immunosuppressed patients, including Acanthamoeba and Hartmannella could be a great risk for people with impaired immunity. Developing of Amoebae-related infections in such patient is probable and monitoring of these patients is crucial for preventing amoebae related infections.